Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition marked by inflammation, redness, and itching. It commonly appears in children but can start later in life and persist with flare ups in adulthood.
This service can only prescribe more of your current medication. It is not meant to replace regular reviews and monitoring with your GP. If your eczema is poorly controlled please schedule a review with your treating GP.
Do not continue with this questionnaire if you have any of the “⛔(do not proceed)” conditions below. Instead, please consult with our online doctors here for further assessment, if you are not happy with your medication or if this is the first time you are experiencing symptoms of eczema.
Category: Skin & Hair Health
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition marked by inflammation, redness, and itching. It commonly appears in children but can start later in life and persist with flare ups in adulthood.
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