PrEP – Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, commonly known as PrEP, is a medical strategy for preventing HIV infection in individuals who do not have HIV but are at high risk of contracting it. PrEP involves taking a specific combination of HIV medications regularly, as prescribed, to significantly reduce the risk of HIV transmission.


If you think you’ve been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours and are not on PrEP, visit your local clinic as soon as possible for PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) medication and not PrEP. Do not continue with this questionnaire.

As a PrEP user, you need to have HIV testing done every 3 months. 

You also need kidney function blood tests done once a year if you are over 50 years of age. 


This service is not meant to replace regular reviews and monitoring with your GP or local clinic. This service is only for patients currently using PrEP. It is not for starting a new user on PrEP. 

Do not continue with this questionnaire if you have any of the “⛔(do not proceed)” conditions below. Instead, please consult with our online doctors here for further assessment or if you have not used PrEP before.

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

Please Do not proceed, this condition will disqualify you from receiving a prescription.
Please click here to WhatsApp our On Call Doctors for an instant consultation. The doctor will advise on a treatment route that will suit you personally.

Please Do not proceed, this condition will disqualify you from receiving a prescription.
Please click here to WhatsApp our On Call Doctors for an instant consultation. The doctor will advise on a treatment route that will suit you personally.

Please Do not proceed, this condition will disqualify you from receiving a prescription.
Please click here to WhatsApp our On Call Doctors for an instant consultation. The doctor will advise on a treatment route that will suit you personally.

Please Do not proceed, this condition will disqualify you from receiving a prescription.
Please click here to WhatsApp our On Call Doctors for an instant consultation. The doctor will advise on a treatment route that will suit you personally.

Please Do not proceed, this condition will disqualify you from receiving a prescription.
Please click here to WhatsApp our On Call Doctors for an instant consultation. The doctor will advise on a treatment route that will suit you personally.

Please Do not proceed, this condition will disqualify you from receiving a prescription.
Please click here to WhatsApp our On Call Doctors for an instant consultation. The doctor will advise on a treatment route that will suit you personally.

Please Do not proceed, this condition will disqualify you from receiving a prescription.
Please click here to WhatsApp our On Call Doctors for an instant consultation. The doctor will advise on a treatment route that will suit you personally.

  1. I understand the questions above and have answered honestly. Any inaccurate or false information could potentially be dangerous to my health and safety.
  2. The medication that is prescribed is for my personal use only. I understand the side effects (including potential liver and kidney damage) and effectiveness of the treatments.
  3. I understand that PrEP does not offer 100% protection against HIV.
  4. I understand that PrEP does not offer any protection against STIs. 
  5. I understand that PrEP needs to be used for a minimum of 7 days before it can adequately protect against HIV infection.
  6. I will have kidney function tests done annually if I am 50 years or older. 
  7. I will have HIV testing done every 3 months.
  8. I will have regular blood-sugar testing.
  9. PrEP is given as a 3 month prescription.
  10. I am 18 years or older.
Price: R250.00
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Submitting this questionnaire with any “⛔ (do not proceed)” conditions will disqualify you from receiving a prescription.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, commonly known as PrEP, is a medical strategy for preventing HIV infection in individuals who do not have HIV but are at high risk of contracting it. PrEP involves taking a specific combination of HIV medications regularly, as prescribed, to significantly reduce the risk of HIV transmission.

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